Company Admin

Updated by Arianne G.

In Company Admin, you can search for, view, and update names and addresses for users in your company.

The screen shots in this document are generic, and your company’s interface may vary.

Related: FAQ > User Administration questionsUser Administration

Access Company Admin

Select Company Admin from the Administration menu.

  • You must have the Company Admin application right to access the Company Admin page. See User Administration for information about adding rights.

The Company Admin page appears.

Search users

  1. In the Company Filter section, enter a complete or partial XactNet address or user name. You may enter filter criteria in either one or both fields.
  2. Click Search. The search results are displayed.
  • Click Reset to remove any filter criteria.
  • Click a column header to sort by that header.

Edit users

  1. Click a user’s name. The Edit User dialogue box appears.
  2. Make any changes to the user name and address.
  3. Click Save. The user’s information is updated on the Company Admin page.

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