All Action Items

Updated by Mara Kellogg

The All Action Items page allows you to see and manage the action items for all assignments on the same page.

Related: Assignment Detail > Action Items

Access All Action Items

Click the Assignments menu, and then select All Action Items. The All Action Items page appears.

Filter by office

You can use the dropdown menu at the top of the page to filter the action items by office.

Action items table

The action items are organised in a table and arranged from oldest to most recent.


The contractor that the assignment is assigned to.

Claim #

The claim number of the assignment the action item belongs to.

Property Owner

The property owner or policyholder of the assignment.


The data set that this assignment belongs to.

Action Item

The name of the action item.

Created By

The user who created this action item.

Due Date

The date the action item should be completed by. The text is red if the action item is overdue.

# Days Late

The number of days it has been since the due date. The text is red if the action item is overdue.

Mark Complete

If you have the Edit Action Items application right enabled, you may see Mark Complete buttons next to some of the action items, including all custom action items. When you click Mark Complete, the Update Status window appears; here you can add optional comments or email a notification to certain users before you mark the action item as complete.

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